
Below is a demonstration of the features of the gcontains function


clear; close all; clc;




This function is an alternative to the MATLAB function contains, introduced in MATLAB R2016b. The function attempts to use MATLAB contains but uses custom implementation if contains is not found. See also: contains.


String array

str = ["Mary Ann Jones","Christopher Matthew Burns","John Paul Smith"];

pattern = ["Ann","Paul"];
% TF = contains(str,pattern)
TF = gcontains(str,pattern)
TF =

  1×3 logical array

   1   0   1

Using IgnoreCase

str = ["Anne","Elizabeth","Marianne","Tracy"];

pattern = "anne";
% TF = contains(str,pattern,'IgnoreCase',true)

TF = gcontains(str,pattern,'IgnoreCase',true)
TF =

  1×4 logical array

   1   0   1   0

Character arrays

chr = 'peppers, onions, and mushrooms';

% TF = contains(chr,'onion')
TF = gcontains(chr,'onion')

% TF = contains(chr,'pineapples')
TF = gcontains(chr,'pineapples')
TF =



TF =



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GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.

Copyright (C) 2019 Kevin Mattheus Moerman

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