
Below is a demonstration for:



clear; close all; clc;

Plot settings

cMap=spectral(250); %colormap

Control parameters

% Path names
defaultFolder = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')));

% Defining file names
febioFebFileName=fullfile(savePath,[febioFebFileNamePart,'.feb']); %FEB file name
febioLogFileName=[febioFebFileNamePart,'.txt']; %FEBio log file name
febioLogFileName_disp=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_disp_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting displacement
febioLogFileName_vol=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_vol_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting stress
febioLogFileName_stress_prin=[febioFebFileNamePart,'_stress_prin_out.txt']; %Log file name for exporting principal stress

%Specifying dimensions and number of elements
sampleWidth=0.5; %Width
sampleThickness=1.5; %Thickness
sampleHeight=7; %Height
pointSpacings=0.25*ones(1,3); %Desired point spacing between nodes
numElementsWidth=round(sampleWidth/pointSpacings(1)); %Number of elemens in dir 1
numElementsThickness=round(sampleThickness/pointSpacings(2)); %Number of elemens in dir 2
numElementsHeight=round(sampleHeight/pointSpacings(3)); %Number of elemens in dir 3

%Material parameter set

if anisotropicOption==1
    ksi=[500 500 0.01];
    beta=[3 3 3];


% FEA control settings
numTimeSteps=50; %Number of time steps desired
max_refs=25; %Max reforms
max_ups=0; %Set to zero to use full-Newton iterations
opt_iter=25; %Optimum number of iterations
max_retries=5; %Maximum number of retires
dtmin=(1/numTimeSteps)/100; %Minimum time step size
dtmax=1/numTimeSteps; %Maximum time step size


Creating model geometry and mesh

A box is created with tri-linear hexahedral (hex8) elements using the hexMeshBox function. The function offers the boundary faces with seperate labels for the top, bottom, left, right, front, and back sides. As such these can be used to define boundary conditions on the exterior.

% Create a box with hexahedral elements
cubeDimensions=[sampleWidth sampleThickness sampleHeight]; %Dimensions
cubeElementNumbers=[numElementsWidth numElementsThickness numElementsHeight]; %Number of elements
outputStructType=2; %A structure compatible with mesh view

%Access elements, nodes, and faces from the structure
E=meshStruct.elements; %The elements
V=meshStruct.nodes; %The nodes (vertices)
Fb=meshStruct.facesBoundary; %The boundary faces
Cb=meshStruct.boundaryMarker; %The "colors" or labels for the boundary faces
elementMaterialIndices=ones(size(E,1),1); %Element material indices
E1=E(logicSide,:); %First set
E2=E(~logicSide,:); %Second set
E=[E1;E2]; %Reorder full set

Plotting model boundary surfaces and a cut view


subplot(1,2,1); hold on;
title('Model boundary surfaces and labels','FontSize',fontSize);
colormap(gjet(6)); icolorbar;

hs=subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
title('Cut view of solid mesh','FontSize',fontSize);
optionStruct.hFig=[hFig hs];


Defining the boundary conditions

The visualization of the model boundary shows colors for each side of the cube. These labels can be used to define boundary conditions.

%Prescribed displacement nodes
bcSupportList=unique(Fb(Cb==5,:)); %Node set for selected face

Visualizing boundary conditions. Markers plotted on the semi-transparent model denote the nodes in the various boundary condition lists.

title('Boundary conditions','FontSize',fontSize);
xlabel('X','FontSize',fontSize); ylabel('Y','FontSize',fontSize); zlabel('Z','FontSize',fontSize);
hold on;



legend(hl,{'BC support'});

camlight headlight;

Defining the FEBio input structure

See also febioStructTemplate and febioStruct2xml and the FEBio user manual.

%Get a template with default settings

%febio_spec version

%Module section

%Control section
% febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.dtmax=dtmax;
febio_spec.Control.time_stepper=rmfield(febio_spec.Control.time_stepper,'dtmax'); %Remove existing template dtmax definition; %Set load curve id for dtmax
febio_spec.Control.time_stepper.dtmax.VAL=1; %Set value

%Set globals/constants

febio_spec.Output.plotfile.var{end+1}.ATTR.type='fluid pressure';
febio_spec.Output.plotfile.var{end+1}.ATTR.type='effective fluid pressure';

%Material section
febio_spec.Material.material{1}.ATTR.type='solid mixture';
febio_spec.Material.material{1}.mat_axis.a=[1 0 0];
febio_spec.Material.material{1}.mat_axis.d=[0 1 0];

febio_spec.Material.material{1}.solid{1}.ATTR.type='Donnan equilibrium';


if anisotropicOption==1
    febio_spec.Material.material{1}.solid{3}.ATTR.type='ellipsoidal fiber distribution';

febio_spec.Material.material{2}.ATTR.type='solid mixture';
febio_spec.Material.material{1}.mat_axis.a=[1 0 0];
febio_spec.Material.material{1}.mat_axis.d=[0 1 0];

febio_spec.Material.material{2}.solid{1}.ATTR.type='Donnan equilibrium';


if anisotropicOption==1
    febio_spec.Material.material{2}.solid{3}.ATTR.type='ellipsoidal fiber distribution';

% Mesh section
% -> Nodes
febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1}'Object1'; %The node set name
febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1},1))'; %The node id's
febio_spec.Mesh.Nodes{1}.node.VAL=V; %The nodel coordinates

% -> Elements
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}; %Name of this part
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}.ATTR.type='hex8'; %Element type
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1},1))'; %Element id's
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{1}.elem.VAL=E1; %The element matrix

febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}; %Name of this part
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}.ATTR.type='hex8'; %Element type
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2},1)+(1:1:size(E2,1))'; %Element id's
febio_spec.Mesh.Elements{2}.elem.VAL=E2; %The element matrix

% -> NodeSets


%MeshDomains section


%Boundary condition section
% -> Fix boundary conditions
febio_spec.Boundary.bc{1}.ATTR.type='zero displacement';

%LoadData section
% -> load_controller
febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{1}[0 dtmax; 0.2 dtmax; 0.4 dtmax; 0.6 dtmax; 0.8 dtmax; 1 dtmax];

febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{2}[0 0; 0.2 cF0; 1 cF0];

febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{3}[0 bosm_ini; 0.2 bosm_ini; 0.4 bosm_ini+bosm_diff_amp; 0.6 bosm_ini; 0.8 bosm_ini-bosm_diff_amp; 1 bosm_ini];

febio_spec.LoadData.load_controller{4}[0 bosm_ini; 0.2 bosm_ini; 0.4 bosm_ini-bosm_diff_amp; 0.6 bosm_ini; 0.8 bosm_ini+bosm_diff_amp; 1 bosm_ini];

%Output section
% -> log file



% Plotfile section

Quick viewing of the FEBio input file structure

The febView function can be used to view the xml structure in a MATLAB figure window.

febView(febio_spec); %Viewing the febio file

Exporting the FEBio input file

Exporting the febio_spec structure to an FEBio input file is done using the febioStruct2xml function.

febioStruct2xml(febio_spec,febioFebFileName); %Exporting to file and domNode
%system(['gedit ',febioFebFileName,' &']);

Running the FEBio analysis

To run the analysis defined by the created FEBio input file the runMonitorFEBio function is used. The input for this function is a structure defining job settings e.g. the FEBio input file name. The optional output runFlag informs the user if the analysis was run succesfully.

febioAnalysis.run_filename=febioFebFileName; %The input file name
febioAnalysis.run_logname=febioLogFileName; %The name for the log file
febioAnalysis.disp_on=1; %Display information on the command window
febioAnalysis.maxLogCheckTime=10; %Max log file checking time

[runFlag]=runMonitorFEBio(febioAnalysis);%START FEBio NOW!!!!!!!!
-------->    RUNNING/MONITORING FEBIO JOB    <-------- 01-May-2023 10:57:52
FEBio path: /home/kevin/FEBioStudio/bin/febio4
# Attempt removal of existing log files                01-May-2023 10:57:52
 * Removal succesful                                   01-May-2023 10:57:52
# Attempt removal of existing .xplt files              01-May-2023 10:57:52
 * Removal succesful                                   01-May-2023 10:57:52
# Starting FEBio...                                    01-May-2023 10:57:52
  Max. total analysis time is: Inf s
         ________    _________   _______       __     _________            
        |        |\ |        |\ |       \\    |  |\  /         \\          
        |    ____|| |    ____|| |    __  ||   |__|| |    ___    ||         
        |   |\___\| |   |\___\| |   |\_| ||    \_\| |   //  \   ||         
        |   ||__    |   ||__    |   ||_| ||   |  |\ |  ||    |  ||         
        |       |\  |       |\  |         \\  |  || |  ||    |  ||         
        |    ___||  |    ___||  |    ___   || |  || |  ||    |  ||         
        |   |\__\|  |   |\__\|  |   |\__|  || |  || |  ||    |  ||         
        |   ||      |   ||___   |   ||__|  || |  || |   \\__/   ||         
        |   ||      |        |\ |          || |  || |           ||         
        |___||      |________|| |_________//  |__||  \_________//          
      F I N I T E   E L E M E N T S   F O R   B I O M E C H A N I C S      
  version 4.1.0
  FEBio is a registered trademark.                                         
  copyright (c) 2006-2023 - All rights reserved                            

Default linear solver: pardiso
Success loading plugin (version 1.0.0)
Success loading plugin (version 2.0.0)
Reading file /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel.feb ...SUCCESS!

 *                               WARNING                                 *
 * dtmax is ignored when specifying must points.                         *

Data Record #1
Step = 0
Time = 0
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 0
Time = 0
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 0
Time = 0
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0   ]0;(0%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
 * Selecting linear solver pardiso                                       *

===== beginning time step 1 : 0.02 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

===== reforming stiffness matrix:
	Nr of equations ........................... : 1764
	Nr of nonzeroes in stiffness matrix ....... : 49959
 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.02
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.264168e-05    7.725090e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.213128e-05    1.690368e-07    9.213128e-07 
	   displacement        2.542020e-02    2.542020e-02    2.542020e-08 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.02
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.264168e-05    9.713161e-22    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.213128e-05    1.127856e-15    9.213128e-07 
	   displacement        2.542020e-02    9.743538e-08    2.551975e-08 

 *                               WARNING                                 *
 * No force acting on the system.                                        *

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 2
    number of reformations : 2

------- converged at time : 0.02

Data Record #1
Step = 1
Time = 0.02
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 1
Time = 0.02
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 1
Time = 0.02
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(2%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 2 : 0.04 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.04
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.965375e-04    6.058365e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.836947e-04    4.323379e-06    7.836947e-06 
	   displacement        2.118920e-01    2.118920e-01    2.118920e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.04
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.965375e-04    6.246037e-18    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.836947e-04    7.902566e-13    7.836947e-06 
	   displacement        2.118920e-01    7.420086e-06    2.144053e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.04
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.965375e-04    2.209069e-30    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.836947e-04    2.018860e-25    7.836947e-06 
	   displacement        2.118920e-01    9.227832e-15    2.144054e-07 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.04

Data Record #1
Step = 2
Time = 0.04
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 2
Time = 0.04
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 2
Time = 0.04
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(4%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 3 : 0.06 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.06
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.018667e-04    4.145893e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.951525e-03    1.763242e-05    1.951525e-05 
	   displacement        5.146962e-01    5.146962e-01    5.146962e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.06
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.018667e-04    3.078010e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.951525e-03    1.424457e-11    1.951525e-05 
	   displacement        5.146962e-01    4.880088e-05    5.247614e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.06
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.018667e-04    2.180053e-30    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.951525e-03    9.422475e-24    1.951525e-05 
	   displacement        5.146962e-01    4.305748e-13    5.247624e-07 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.06

Data Record #1
Step = 3
Time = 0.06
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 3
Time = 0.06
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 3
Time = 0.06
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(6%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 4 : 0.08 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.08
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.707252e-04    1.295497e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              3.297897e-03    4.000721e-05    3.297897e-05 
	   displacement        8.475664e-01    8.475664e-01    8.475664e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.08
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.707252e-04    3.130553e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              3.297897e-03    7.867457e-11    3.297897e-05 
	   displacement        8.475664e-01    1.461169e-04    8.699549e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.08
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.707252e-04    4.727713e-30    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              3.297897e-03    3.464819e-22    3.297897e-05 
	   displacement        8.475664e-01    4.144477e-12    8.699587e-07 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.08

Data Record #1
Step = 4
Time = 0.08
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 4
Time = 0.08
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 4
Time = 0.08
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(8%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 5 : 0.1 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.1
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.241383e-03    2.684530e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.586819e-03    6.711030e-05    4.586819e-05 
	   displacement        1.150510e+00    1.150510e+00    1.150510e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.1
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.241383e-03    1.376495e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.586819e-03    2.327924e-10    4.586819e-05 
	   displacement        1.150510e+00    2.906769e-04    1.187353e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.1
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.241383e-03    4.485186e-29    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.586819e-03    3.059530e-21    4.586819e-05 
	   displacement        1.150510e+00    1.733813e-11    1.187362e-06 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.1

Data Record #1
Step = 5
Time = 0.1
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 5
Time = 0.1
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 5
Time = 0.1
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(10%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 6 : 0.12 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.12
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.574552e-03    4.328481e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.692842e-03    9.394068e-05    5.692842e-05 
	   displacement        1.397756e+00    1.397756e+00    1.397756e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.12
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.574552e-03    3.603251e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.692842e-03    4.697108e-10    5.692842e-05 
	   displacement        1.397756e+00    4.519107e-04    1.448443e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.12
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.574552e-03    2.889991e-28    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.692842e-03    1.263392e-20    5.692842e-05 
	   displacement        1.397756e+00    4.349305e-11    1.448459e-06 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.12

Data Record #1
Step = 6
Time = 0.12
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 6
Time = 0.12
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 6
Time = 0.12
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(12%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 7 : 0.14 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.14
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.852879e-03    5.929056e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.578255e-03    1.171447e-04    6.578255e-05 
	   displacement        1.586383e+00    1.586383e+00    1.586383e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.14
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.852879e-03    6.715844e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.578255e-03    7.389012e-10    6.578255e-05 
	   displacement        1.586383e+00    5.999856e-04    1.648650e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.14
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.852879e-03    9.701031e-28    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.578255e-03    3.119525e-20    6.578255e-05 
	   displacement        1.586383e+00    7.823567e-11    1.648672e-06 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.14

Data Record #1
Step = 7
Time = 0.14
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 7
Time = 0.14
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 7
Time = 0.14
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(14%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 8 : 0.16 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.16
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.073596e-03    7.279360e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.253793e-03    1.353234e-04    7.253793e-05 
	   displacement        1.723799e+00    1.723799e+00    1.723799e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.16
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.073596e-03    9.957721e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.253793e-03    9.839759e-10    7.253793e-05 
	   displacement        1.723799e+00    7.176816e-04    1.794821e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.16
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.073596e-03    2.075785e-27    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.253793e-03    5.482604e-20    7.253793e-05 
	   displacement        1.723799e+00    1.126605e-10    1.794850e-06 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.16

Data Record #1
Step = 8
Time = 0.16
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 8
Time = 0.16
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 8
Time = 0.16
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(16%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 9 : 0.18 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.18
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.241453e-03    8.290064e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.749633e-03    1.484150e-04    7.749633e-05 
	   displacement        1.820147e+00    1.820147e+00    1.820147e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.18
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.241453e-03    1.261959e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.749633e-03    1.169464e-09    7.749633e-05 
	   displacement        1.820147e+00    8.000758e-04    1.897225e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.18
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.241453e-03    3.218938e-27    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.749633e-03    7.597781e-20    7.749633e-05 
	   displacement        1.820147e+00    1.394027e-10    1.897258e-06 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.18

Data Record #1
Step = 9
Time = 0.18
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 9
Time = 0.18
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 9
Time = 0.18
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(18%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  MUST POINT CONTROLLER: adjusting time step. dt = 0.02

===== beginning time step 10 : 0.2 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.364073e-03    8.957615e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.099714e-03    1.570219e-04    8.099714e-05 
	   displacement        1.884947e+00    1.884947e+00    1.884947e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.364073e-03    1.433574e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.099714e-03    1.284452e-09    8.099714e-05 
	   displacement        1.884947e+00    8.497598e-04    1.965794e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.2
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            2.364073e-03    4.003841e-27    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.099714e-03    8.949011e-20    8.099714e-05 
	   displacement        1.884947e+00    1.552999e-10    1.965829e-06 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.2

Data Record #1
Step = 10
Time = 0.2
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 10
Time = 0.2
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 10
Time = 0.2
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(20%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: decreasing time step, dt = 0.02

===== beginning time step 11 : 0.22 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.22
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 0.500000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.918441e-04    5.761854e-02    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.109178e-05    4.405823e-01    8.109178e-07 
	   displacement        4.825955e+03    1.206489e+03    1.206489e-03 

 *                               WARNING                                 *
 * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed           *
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.22
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.761854e-02    2.982253e-03    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.405823e-01    6.426469e-02    4.405823e-03 
	   displacement        4.825955e+03    6.646925e+01    1.018782e-03 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.22
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.761854e-02    1.204823e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.405823e-01    4.155405e-04    4.405823e-03 
	   displacement        4.825955e+03    1.985702e+00    9.929229e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.22
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 0.500000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.761854e-02    1.665824e+00    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.405823e-01    2.009291e+01    4.405823e-03 
	   displacement        4.825955e+03    1.834730e+04    2.767455e-02 

 *                               WARNING                                 *
 * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed           *
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5


 *                                ERROR                                  *
 * Negative jacobian was detected.                                       *

------- failed to converge at time : 0.22

Retrying time step. Retry attempt 1 of max 5

AUTO STEPPER: retry step, dt = 0.0166667

===== beginning time step 11 : 0.216667 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 0.071413
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    2.929142e-04    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    3.324410e-05    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    2.507772e+00    2.507772e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    4.642578e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    2.310970e-05    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    5.903699e+00    1.609771e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    5.680923e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    4.597738e-07    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    5.543490e-02    1.799226e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    4.415450e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    2.586116e-07    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    7.062550e-01    2.582249e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    1.227129e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    2.282768e-10    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    4.151647e-04    2.602298e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    1.509264e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    9.713374e-15    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    4.304577e-05    2.608991e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.216667
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.410033e-04    4.251828e-30    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.522040e-04    2.297661e-23    5.522040e-06 
	   displacement        4.917386e+02    8.352399e-13    2.608992e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 7
    number of reformations : 7

------- converged at time : 0.216667

Data Record #1
Step = 11
Time = 0.216666667
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 11
Time = 0.216666667
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 11
Time = 0.216666667
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(22%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0173333

===== beginning time step 12 : 0.234 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 0.548639
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    7.860969e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    3.710568e-05    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    1.210073e+01    1.210073e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    1.940170e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    1.214976e-05    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    5.564843e+00    1.274809e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    1.429708e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    6.606277e-06    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    4.681168e+00    1.112524e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    4.044330e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    5.050942e-06    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    2.265669e+00    6.518842e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    3.065242e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    1.513011e-06    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    2.021905e+00    1.578436e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    2.411254e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    7.211260e-07    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    5.487223e-01    2.220749e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    5.548298e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    8.096656e-08    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    2.646214e-01    2.731383e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    1.200845e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    2.577735e-09    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    1.224554e-02    2.848064e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    2.095968e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    1.619324e-12    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    1.618376e-04    2.861640e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.234
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            3.768067e-04    1.742825e-24    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.223665e-04    6.227898e-19    4.223665e-06 
	   displacement        4.020118e+01    4.665088e-09    2.861713e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.234

Data Record #1
Step = 12
Time = 0.234
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 12
Time = 0.234
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 12
Time = 0.234
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(23%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0178667

===== beginning time step 13 : 0.251867 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    3.746113e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    6.958486e-05    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    9.999527e+00    9.999527e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    2.443011e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    9.215750e-06    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    7.119412e+00    2.981161e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    6.238304e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    8.362066e-06    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    3.885204e+00    2.252158e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    8.786258e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    1.410977e-06    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    3.511670e+00    1.133893e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    4.875519e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    1.806324e-06    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    8.809522e-01    1.851641e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    6.743640e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    1.268655e-07    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    9.305993e-01    2.773501e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    2.376611e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    3.971099e-08    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    5.574793e-02    3.027046e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    5.713996e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    3.403027e-10    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    8.462832e-03    3.128961e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.251867
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.179941e-04    1.826289e-18    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.043279e-04    3.331034e-14    5.043279e-06 
	   displacement        9.999527e+00    4.786826e-06    3.131402e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.251867

Data Record #1
Step = 13
Time = 0.251866667
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 13
Time = 0.251866667
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 13
Time = 0.251866667
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(25%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0182933

===== beginning time step 14 : 0.27016 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    1.565316e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    4.711120e-05    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    6.315044e+00    6.315044e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.592448
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    2.330657e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    6.338344e-06    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    5.403329e+00    1.762066e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    5.974699e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    8.112070e-06    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    4.394509e+00    3.827295e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    7.166775e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    1.553447e-06    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    3.512760e+00    1.459459e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    4.071978e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    1.499088e-06    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    8.484756e-01    2.244774e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    4.102590e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    1.387740e-07    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    7.410279e-01    3.132833e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    1.300529e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    2.301347e-08    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    4.154108e-02    3.364408e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    1.187080e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    1.200752e-10    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    3.863784e-03    3.436762e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.27016
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.680905e-04    1.147286e-19    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.909761e-04    3.811667e-15    5.909761e-06 
	   displacement        6.315044e+00    1.198619e-06    3.438042e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.27016

Data Record #1
Step = 14
Time = 0.27016
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 14
Time = 0.27016
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 14
Time = 0.27016
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(27%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0186347

===== beginning time step 15 : 0.288795 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    2.668419e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    8.119853e-05    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    7.896265e+00    7.896265e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    5.868275e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    1.026824e-05    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    1.501736e+01    1.570891e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    7.981945e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    6.660743e-06    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    1.812268e+00    6.338074e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 0.561062
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    4.141051e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    1.552617e-06    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    2.293121e+00    1.618219e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    7.866854e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    1.344159e-06    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    1.294527e+00    2.657294e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    1.791298e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    2.634164e-07    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    5.085937e-01    3.441211e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    2.899893e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    2.165961e-08    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    6.298823e-02    3.741087e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    4.872202e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    1.197768e-10    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    2.484599e-03    3.802150e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.288795
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.311249e-04    2.360773e-19    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.037373e-04    3.509280e-15    7.037373e-06 
	   displacement        7.896265e+00    1.718803e-06    3.803763e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.288795

Data Record #1
Step = 15
Time = 0.288794667
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 15
Time = 0.288794667
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 15
Time = 0.288794667
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(29%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0189077

===== beginning time step 16 : 0.307702 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 0.475267
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    1.573310e-04    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    6.944118e-05    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    1.289393e+01    1.289393e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.126841
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    1.187400e-04    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    1.962038e-05    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    1.150681e+00    1.990101e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.164391
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    8.263334e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    3.811017e-05    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    5.729670e+00    4.924147e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    8.089724e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    3.188215e-05    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    2.007044e+01    6.568319e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    5.645035e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    4.583189e-06    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    1.064104e+00    1.274194e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    1.142998e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    5.483593e-06    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    5.143894e+00    3.392093e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    3.727904e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    2.080480e-07    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    7.230404e-02    3.707423e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    2.369383e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    6.930481e-09    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    1.793066e-01    4.239653e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    1.249212e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    1.781765e-11    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    1.262401e-04    4.254087e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.307702
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 14
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.120582e-04    4.158612e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.786835e-04    7.207425e-17    8.786835e-06 
	   displacement        5.708334e+01    7.186513e-07    4.255190e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.307702

Data Record #1
Step = 16
Time = 0.3077024
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 16
Time = 0.3077024
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 16
Time = 0.3077024
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(31%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0191262

===== beginning time step 17 : 0.326829 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    2.216775e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    4.810485e-04    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    1.275242e+01    1.275242e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    5.134610e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    6.364807e-05    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    3.520717e+00    3.101254e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    1.839966e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    1.596962e-05    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    6.509668e-01    3.167875e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    1.233937e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    6.140764e-06    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    2.709354e+00    1.152206e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    3.108982e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    4.208346e-06    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    1.624366e+00    2.172370e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    2.118598e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    1.171797e-06    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    1.516196e+00    3.466244e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    1.300155e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    4.545427e-07    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    3.826108e-01    4.229330e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    1.732081e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    3.725402e-08    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    1.434834e-01    4.734515e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    1.298197e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    4.843083e-10    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    3.942118e-03    4.820931e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.326829
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.173749e-04    2.220943e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.002032e-03    5.569228e-14    1.002032e-05 
	   displacement        1.275242e+01    1.638094e-05    4.826533e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.326829

Data Record #1
Step = 17
Time = 0.326828587
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 17
Time = 0.326828587
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 17
Time = 0.326828587
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(33%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0193009

===== beginning time step 18 : 0.34613 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    1.755003e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    1.096992e-04    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    2.157762e+00    2.157762e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.481084
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    3.561198e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    1.515274e-05    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    1.512795e+00    3.900280e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    1.160321e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    1.197188e-05    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    9.265073e-01    6.721409e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    1.235782e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    3.431626e-06    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    3.489387e+00    1.975293e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    1.465640e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    3.411405e-06    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    1.162904e+00    3.041423e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    1.974291e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    3.894511e-07    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    1.513670e+00    4.543125e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    2.909349e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    2.301278e-07    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    1.819891e-01    5.132791e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    4.713638e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    8.928674e-09    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    7.490132e-02    5.530779e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    1.984485e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    3.184139e-11    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    4.853822e-04    5.563404e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.34613
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.559267e-04    2.531446e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.278687e-03    2.338722e-16    1.278687e-05 
	   displacement        2.157762e+00    5.505006e-07    5.564506e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.34613

Data Record #1
Step = 18
Time = 0.346129536
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 18
Time = 0.346129536
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 18
Time = 0.346129536
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(35%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0194408

===== beginning time step 19 : 0.36557 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    1.500768e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    1.043407e-04    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    1.515494e+00    1.515494e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.361176
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    2.709668e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    1.685344e-05    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    2.007590e+00    3.606736e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    2.403876e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    7.181950e-06    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    2.145526e+00    9.290206e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    4.668157e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    7.684332e-06    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    2.290174e+00    2.065784e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    7.999808e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    8.127535e-07    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    2.930002e+00    3.901833e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    3.081647e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    1.435512e-06    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    6.034793e-01    4.925145e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    4.315131e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    8.023694e-08    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    7.105879e-01    6.173278e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    7.635954e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    1.856858e-08    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    2.998235e-02    6.446364e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    7.737127e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    7.529095e-11    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    3.021436e-03    6.534500e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.36557
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.040181e-03    2.545736e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.643390e-03    1.476860e-15    1.643390e-05 
	   displacement        1.515494e+00    5.473754e-07    6.535687e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.36557

Data Record #1
Step = 19
Time = 0.365570295
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 19
Time = 0.365570295
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 19
Time = 0.365570295
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(37%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0195526

===== beginning time step 20 : 0.385123 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    2.974150e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    1.855996e-04    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    2.171111e+00    2.171111e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.451230
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    4.675043e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    2.173419e-05    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    2.801306e+00    4.262957e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    1.329564e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    1.506436e-05    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    1.844026e+00    9.297400e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    1.799509e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    3.132544e-06    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    4.606763e+00    2.674016e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    1.742580e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    4.736177e-06    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    1.476492e+00    4.064404e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    4.443510e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    1.929871e-07    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    2.300144e+00    6.215201e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    4.528819e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    4.448014e-07    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    2.324726e-01    6.991750e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    3.465980e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    1.742179e-08    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    2.012086e-01    7.757687e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    2.841378e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    3.311107e-10    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    1.814965e-03    7.832243e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.385123
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.288135e-03    1.955096e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.154227e-03    2.480760e-14    2.154227e-05 
	   displacement        2.171111e+00    1.506677e-05    7.839075e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.385123

Data Record #1
Step = 20
Time = 0.385122903
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 20
Time = 0.385122903
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 20
Time = 0.385122903
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(39%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0196421

MUST POINT CONTROLLER: adjusting time step. dt = 0.0148771

===== beginning time step 21 : 0.4 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    1.103844e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    9.314881e-05    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    1.505704e+00    1.505704e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.350780
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    2.182740e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    1.517375e-05    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    2.059510e+00    3.307341e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    2.054312e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    5.693160e-06    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    2.264838e+00    8.880283e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    3.265992e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    6.316546e-06    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    1.917421e+00    1.890785e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    5.877136e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    4.910960e-07    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    2.518144e+00    3.510334e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    1.567227e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    9.156091e-07    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    4.237854e-01    4.317717e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    1.529150e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    5.623129e-08    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    4.167607e-01    5.203176e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    1.058513e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    4.229503e-09    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    1.095420e-02    5.354116e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    1.391475e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    3.998931e-12    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    3.979906e-04    5.383200e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.4
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            9.048004e-04    8.833335e-24    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.575962e-03    3.751092e-18    1.575962e-05 
	   displacement        1.505704e+00    1.000067e-08    5.383346e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.4

Data Record #1
Step = 21
Time = 0.4
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 21
Time = 0.4
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 21
Time = 0.4
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(40%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0197137

===== beginning time step 22 : 0.419714 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    7.105818e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    2.296585e-05    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    2.826241e-01    2.826241e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.196177
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    1.155786e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    1.385354e-05    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    2.315907e+00    3.226750e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.556780
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    2.443388e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    7.446548e-06    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    3.641481e+00    1.350359e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    9.528215e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    8.928221e-06    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    3.037630e+00    2.928986e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    7.236180e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    3.603627e-06    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    2.794870e+00    5.014169e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    1.259185e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    2.301032e-06    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    1.172676e+00    6.663440e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    6.514651e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    4.968672e-07    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    8.641657e-01    8.266130e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    1.548000e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    9.536019e-08    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    1.338779e-01    8.944072e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    2.966793e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    2.057494e-09    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    1.859714e-02    9.203621e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.419714
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.523598e-03    3.920819e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.652253e-03    1.139074e-12    2.652253e-05 
	   displacement        2.826241e-01    6.779144e-05    9.219406e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.419714

Data Record #1
Step = 22
Time = 0.419713669
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 22
Time = 0.419713669
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 22
Time = 0.419713669
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(42%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0197709

===== beginning time step 23 : 0.439485 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    5.159308e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    2.007305e-05    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    2.490205e-01    2.490205e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.225201
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    1.005615e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    1.127741e-05    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    2.332894e+00    3.415158e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.633648
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    2.137683e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    5.181813e-06    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    3.681927e+00    1.403922e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    5.401507e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    7.272536e-06    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    2.361972e+00    2.788396e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    6.250000e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    1.681623e-06    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    2.643691e+00    4.767186e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    4.148475e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    1.398516e-06    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    6.856847e-01    5.978140e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    3.091363e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    1.587090e-07    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    6.019883e-01    7.237229e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    1.152497e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    1.901621e-08    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    3.696832e-02    7.567675e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    5.912644e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    8.244579e-11    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    2.649050e-03    7.657418e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.439485
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.225805e-03    4.450702e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.028614e-03    1.703681e-15    2.028614e-05 
	   displacement        2.490205e-01    7.295785e-07    7.658911e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.439485

Data Record #1
Step = 23
Time = 0.439484604
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 23
Time = 0.439484604
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 23
Time = 0.439484604
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(44%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0198167

===== beginning time step 24 : 0.459301 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    4.066067e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    1.772019e-05    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    2.430551e-01    2.430551e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.256520
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    9.263735e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    9.293803e-06    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    2.358835e+00    3.649870e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    4.760932e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    1.403504e-05    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    7.258960e+00    2.106277e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    3.550566e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    4.020642e-06    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    6.192001e-01    2.889233e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 0.588014
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    2.717452e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    9.622324e-07    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    1.514283e+00    4.361975e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    3.708030e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    7.884158e-07    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    6.553992e-01    5.496071e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    5.504308e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    1.106427e-07    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    2.563342e-01    6.271862e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    2.796244e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    3.900656e-09    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    1.832258e-02    6.487911e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    4.703778e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    3.752452e-12    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    2.380829e-04    6.512773e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.459301
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.007392e-03    2.106380e-23    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.586622e-03    3.286427e-18    1.586622e-05 
	   displacement        2.430551e-01    1.595127e-08    6.512977e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.459301

Data Record #1
Step = 24
Time = 0.459301352
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 24
Time = 0.459301352
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 24
Time = 0.459301352
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(46%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0198534

===== beginning time step 25 : 0.479155 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    3.534910e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    1.586303e-05    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    2.664601e-01    2.664601e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.292416
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    8.967400e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    7.714365e-06    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    2.404843e+00    3.968016e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    2.868951e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    4.891862e-06    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    5.766574e+00    1.921953e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    4.928718e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    3.549418e-06    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    7.379453e-01    2.748005e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    7.092045e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    2.990423e-06    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    2.897528e+00    4.820824e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    3.340616e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    1.574624e-07    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    6.405208e-02    5.177250e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    8.764727e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    5.626319e-10    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    1.029845e-01    5.649107e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    4.273621e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    6.349518e-12    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    7.366770e-05    5.661955e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.479155
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.459202e-04    1.919001e-21    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.269071e-03    9.203398e-18    1.269071e-05 
	   displacement        2.664601e-01    1.528118e-07    5.662543e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.479155

Data Record #1
Step = 25
Time = 0.47915475
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 25
Time = 0.47915475
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 25
Time = 0.47915475
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(48%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0198827

===== beginning time step 26 : 0.499037 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    3.466179e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    1.442442e-05    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    3.292036e-01    3.292036e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.337347
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    9.110755e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    6.393576e-06    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    2.488376e+00    4.434634e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    1.702413e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    1.097156e-07    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    4.531692e+00    1.788559e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    6.915888e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    3.064118e-06    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    8.837807e-01    2.671297e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    2.913480e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    5.505852e-07    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    1.872306e+00    4.271986e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    6.875564e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    1.418309e-07    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    9.149777e-02    4.675849e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    2.876107e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    2.593411e-09    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    5.930637e-02    5.014650e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    6.870242e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    4.599806e-12    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    9.239740e-05    5.028246e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.499037
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.262687e-04    3.288918e-22    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.039405e-03    4.896848e-18    1.039405e-05 
	   displacement        3.292036e-01    6.354711e-08    5.028603e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.499037

Data Record #1
Step = 26
Time = 0.499037469
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 26
Time = 0.499037469
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 26
Time = 0.499037469
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(50%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199062

===== beginning time step 27 : 0.518944 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    3.951470e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    1.329405e-05    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    4.580080e-01    4.580080e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.401387
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    9.766748e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    5.197086e-06    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    2.646740e+00    5.185462e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    9.491607e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    2.791581e-06    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    3.433274e+00    1.703214e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    1.012119e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    2.495990e-06    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    1.081822e+00    2.669174e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    1.047437e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    3.386585e-07    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    1.129917e+00    3.879858e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    1.199975e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    1.075705e-07    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    1.211525e-01    4.325150e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    6.159747e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    2.380845e-09    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    2.756059e-02    4.546136e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    4.839118e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    1.781086e-12    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    7.745094e-05    4.557999e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.518944
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.381160e-04    1.060548e-23    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.737810e-04    7.394685e-19    8.737810e-06 
	   displacement        4.580080e-01    1.145242e-08    4.558143e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.518944

Data Record #1
Step = 27
Time = 0.518943644
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 27
Time = 0.518943644
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 27
Time = 0.518943644
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(52%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199249

===== beginning time step 28 : 0.538869 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    5.482992e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    1.221215e-05    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    7.235888e-01    7.235888e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.512860
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    1.116928e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    3.938791e-06    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    2.992049e+00    6.579451e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    4.506988e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    3.915361e-06    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    2.362276e+00    1.681362e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    1.574985e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    1.656432e-06    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    1.370674e+00    2.777833e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    2.678173e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    4.847760e-07    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    5.731026e-01    3.632567e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    1.542904e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    5.566684e-08    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    1.379447e-01    4.093731e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    5.032807e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    8.742805e-10    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    7.902428e-03    4.208184e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.538869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.743842e-04    6.816957e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.565477e-04    1.906039e-13    7.565477e-06 
	   displacement        7.235888e-01    2.910492e-05    4.215181e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 8
    number of reformations : 8

------- converged at time : 0.538869

Data Record #1
Step = 28
Time = 0.538868584
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 28
Time = 0.538868584
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 28
Time = 0.538868584
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(54%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.01994

===== beginning time step 29 : 0.558809 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    1.007841e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    1.009953e-05    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    1.345255e+00    1.345255e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    2.564459e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    5.965866e-06    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    6.535303e+00    1.373284e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    3.097030e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    2.577977e-06    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    4.807277e-01    1.933699e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    4.174431e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    1.739265e-06    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    2.298799e+00    3.496150e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    1.250584e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    7.336691e-08    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    3.771761e-02    3.728405e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    1.188771e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    4.128474e-10    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    3.838012e-02    3.971340e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.558809
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.302584e-04    9.084200e-18    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.777119e-04    3.382093e-13    6.777119e-06 
	   displacement        1.345255e+00    1.073529e-05    3.975448e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 7
    number of reformations : 7

------- converged at time : 0.558809

Data Record #1
Step = 29
Time = 0.558808536
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 29
Time = 0.558808536
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 29
Time = 0.558808536
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(56%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.019952

===== beginning time step 30 : 0.57876 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    2.997650e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    5.897534e-07    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    3.259929e+00    3.259929e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    2.661671e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    5.348405e-06    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    2.333206e+00    1.106456e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    5.849751e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    5.042763e-08    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    2.425736e+00    2.384284e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    9.728897e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    7.026122e-07    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    3.728673e-01    3.016756e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    1.055669e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    3.166049e-08    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    3.585496e-01    3.709895e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    3.165528e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    1.860759e-09    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    6.364595e-03    3.807518e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    2.022028e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    8.081025e-13    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    1.587801e-04    3.823072e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.57876
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.025664e-04    1.157675e-25    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.320303e-04    1.575959e-19    6.320303e-06 
	   displacement        3.259929e+00    1.207545e-09    3.823115e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 8
    number of reformations : 8

------- converged at time : 0.57876

Data Record #1
Step = 30
Time = 0.578760498
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 30
Time = 0.578760498
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 30
Time = 0.578760498
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(58%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199616

===== beginning time step 31 : 0.598722 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    2.827791e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    1.673229e-04    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    1.449702e+01    1.449702e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    1.002337e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    6.040844e-07    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    1.376211e-01    1.730154e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.529669
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    9.318596e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    5.646598e-07    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    1.073284e+00    2.698661e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    1.242693e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    2.648768e-07    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    3.977429e-01    3.392874e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    3.289313e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    1.855706e-08    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    6.450198e-02    3.694821e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    2.628405e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    9.394456e-11    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    1.814996e-03    3.746729e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.598722
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.893928e-04    1.640933e-19    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.231198e-04    2.137179e-15    6.231198e-06 
	   displacement        1.449702e+01    1.433832e-06    3.748193e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 7
    number of reformations : 7

------- converged at time : 0.598722

Data Record #1
Step = 31
Time = 0.598722067
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 31
Time = 0.598722067
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 31
Time = 0.598722067
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(60%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199693

MUST POINT CONTROLLER: adjusting time step. dt = 0.00127793

===== beginning time step 32 : 0.6 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.6
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.997457e-06    2.377680e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.607609e-06    1.525942e-08    2.607609e-08 
	   displacement        1.524791e-01    1.524791e-01    1.524791e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.6
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.997457e-06    3.220474e-18    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.607609e-06    2.146532e-13    2.607609e-08 
	   displacement        1.524791e-01    1.485041e-06    1.530508e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.6
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.997457e-06    5.509183e-25    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.607609e-06    1.166512e-20    2.607609e-08 
	   displacement        1.524791e-01    2.587904e-09    1.530906e-07 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.6

Data Record #1
Step = 32
Time = 0.6
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 32
Time = 0.6
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 32
Time = 0.6
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(60%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199754

===== beginning time step 33 : 0.619975 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 0.500000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.906287e-04    6.300267e-02    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.577471e-05    4.838299e-01    6.577471e-07 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    1.274972e+03    1.274972e-03 

 *                               WARNING                                 *
 * Problem is diverging. Stiffness matrix will now be reformed           *
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    3.712255e-03    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    7.623376e-02    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    7.496725e+01    1.067962e-03 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.146854
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    2.225682e-03    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    8.912125e-04    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    1.003015e+01    8.964920e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 0.540466
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    4.152222e-04    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    7.059445e-04    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    3.032932e+01    1.226589e-03 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 0.356166
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    1.316930e-04    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.709865e-04    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    4.561441e+00    1.370321e-03 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 0.526853
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    4.111533e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    9.860685e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    6.265155e+00    1.210534e-03 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 15
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 0.024617
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    4.100842e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    8.654974e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    3.140033e+00    1.095670e-03 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 17
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 0.227928
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    3.443514e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    9.234895e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    6.503778e+00    9.377394e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 18
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    6.284768e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.370418e-04    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    3.818485e+01    6.029789e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 19
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    2.226867e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.028175e-04    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    8.271570e+00    4.707937e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 21
	stiffness matrix reformations = 11
	step from line search         = 0.278574
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    7.127083e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    4.822021e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    6.632839e+00    3.666197e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #12

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 22
	stiffness matrix reformations = 12
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    4.101408e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.100961e-04    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    2.873432e+01    1.912362e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #13

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 23
	stiffness matrix reformations = 13
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    7.859874e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    5.375678e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    3.832019e+00    1.409414e-04 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #14

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 25
	stiffness matrix reformations = 14
	step from line search         = 0.278517
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    3.463104e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    2.655301e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    4.691782e+00    9.434609e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #15

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 26
	stiffness matrix reformations = 15
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    2.022208e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    5.365905e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    1.774152e+01    3.039409e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #16

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 27
	stiffness matrix reformations = 16
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    3.403146e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    2.487513e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    2.202215e+00    1.624080e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #17

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 29
	stiffness matrix reformations = 17
	step from line search         = 0.340198
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    1.703375e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.130122e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    3.363506e+00    4.838486e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #18

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 30
	stiffness matrix reformations = 18
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    4.431403e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    2.223922e-06    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    7.724516e+00    3.649132e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #19

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 31
	stiffness matrix reformations = 19
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    2.232960e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    8.742224e-06    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    1.698545e+00    3.577184e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #20

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 32
	stiffness matrix reformations = 20
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    2.842714e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.137534e-05    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    6.020155e+00    1.884866e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #21

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 33
	stiffness matrix reformations = 21
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    4.665434e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.155799e-06    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    2.458410e-01    2.336821e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #22

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 34
	stiffness matrix reformations = 22
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    1.495812e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    7.610301e-07    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    1.369740e+00    3.604129e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #23

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 35
	stiffness matrix reformations = 23
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    2.569470e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    6.350643e-09    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    5.842762e-03    3.695356e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #24

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 36
	stiffness matrix reformations = 24
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    3.420256e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    6.857136e-12    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    2.067888e-03    3.750786e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #25

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.619975
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 37
	stiffness matrix reformations = 25
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.300267e-02    1.033673e-23    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              4.838299e-01    1.928973e-17    4.838299e-03 
	   displacement        5.099890e+03    1.178176e-08    3.750917e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 25
    number of reformations : 25

------- converged at time : 0.619975

Data Record #1
Step = 33
Time = 0.619975404
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 33
Time = 0.619975404
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 33
Time = 0.619975404
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(62%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
===== beginning time step 34 : 0.639951 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    1.601764e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    1.878249e-04    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    2.018219e+01    2.018219e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    4.033701e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    2.183575e-05    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    3.199955e+00    7.322137e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.426928
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    1.681190e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    8.174043e-06    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    3.962976e+00    5.498345e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    1.805572e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    5.574837e-06    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    5.835549e+00    2.958384e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    3.258921e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    5.682911e-06    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    2.165534e+00    1.014358e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    4.812598e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    7.724416e-07    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    2.589180e+00    2.295669e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    1.591690e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    7.947949e-07    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    4.538423e-01    2.984812e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    1.050681e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    6.092131e-08    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    3.655146e-01    3.680938e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    8.488450e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    3.021202e-09    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    1.032641e-02    3.804942e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    5.340111e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    2.154471e-12    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    2.584119e-04    3.824768e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.639951
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 11
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.053902e-04    2.208426e-24    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              5.916739e-04    1.119374e-18    5.916739e-06 
	   displacement        2.018219e+01    5.253984e-09    3.824857e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 11
    number of reformations : 11

------- converged at time : 0.639951

Data Record #1
Step = 34
Time = 0.639950809
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 34
Time = 0.639950809
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 34
Time = 0.639950809
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(64%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199803

===== beginning time step 35 : 0.659931 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    2.515466e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    6.016324e-05    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    8.102616e+00    8.102616e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    7.851969e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    2.279984e-05    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    1.281977e+01    7.158900e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    8.555675e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    7.218646e-06    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    1.743829e+00    4.367489e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 0.483910
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    4.830318e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    2.333709e-06    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    2.159293e+00    1.262737e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    2.058339e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    1.854745e-06    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    1.878601e+00    2.420474e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    3.272993e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    6.241004e-07    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    6.761318e-01    3.295020e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    2.979587e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    8.159317e-08    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    1.985204e-01    3.825239e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    1.338993e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    1.971065e-09    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    1.302869e-02    3.967402e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    6.738106e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    9.756648e-13    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    9.192775e-05    3.979463e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.659931
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.352411e-04    6.983699e-25    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.607303e-04    2.238340e-19    6.607303e-06 
	   displacement        8.102616e+00    2.950245e-09    3.979531e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.659931

Data Record #1
Step = 35
Time = 0.659931132
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 35
Time = 0.659931132
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 35
Time = 0.659931132
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(66%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199843

===== beginning time step 36 : 0.679915 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    2.608948e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    7.572919e-05    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    7.896363e+00    7.896363e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    8.070544e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    2.345133e-05    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    1.624223e+01    1.922052e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    6.063624e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    6.589325e-06    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    1.600662e+00    6.625159e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 0.486173
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    3.957902e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    2.013787e-06    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    2.178728e+00    1.633768e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    1.436593e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    1.493500e-06    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    1.720558e+00    2.859834e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    1.994516e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    4.152248e-07    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    5.383057e-01    3.695901e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    1.047702e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    4.016543e-08    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    1.195554e-01    4.127123e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    1.990021e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    4.589415e-10    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    5.029146e-03    4.218490e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.679915
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.820170e-04    1.255222e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.542582e-04    5.159444e-14    7.542582e-06 
	   displacement        7.896363e+00    1.254720e-05    4.223080e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.679915

Data Record #1
Step = 36
Time = 0.679915391
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 36
Time = 0.679915391
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 36
Time = 0.679915391
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(68%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199874

===== beginning time step 37 : 0.699903 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    5.223244e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    7.227917e-04    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    3.119514e+01    3.119514e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    1.320697e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    7.355943e-05    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    6.432239e+00    9.332055e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    1.312143e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    5.419808e-05    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    2.474807e+01    4.938538e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    2.448349e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    5.500479e-06    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    1.043848e+00    1.016760e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 0.510602
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    3.181241e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    1.636149e-06    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    2.368899e+00    2.222333e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    7.401823e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    1.096563e-06    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    1.402095e+00    3.469068e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    1.012892e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    2.085793e-07    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    3.886881e-01    4.239729e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    1.598917e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    1.213749e-08    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    4.774170e-02    4.528105e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    8.817892e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    3.836170e-11    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    1.058851e-03    4.571864e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.699903
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.491859e-04    1.302231e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              9.005732e-04    3.512673e-16    9.005732e-06 
	   displacement        3.119514e+01    4.041508e-07    4.572721e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.699903

Data Record #1
Step = 37
Time = 0.699902798
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 37
Time = 0.699902798
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 37
Time = 0.699902798
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(70%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199899

===== beginning time step 38 : 0.719893 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 0.613396
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    1.020078e-04    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    3.886384e-05    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    9.117211e+00    9.117211e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.126822
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    7.774738e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    3.698244e-05    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    2.058065e+00    1.684788e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    1.263676e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    4.052008e-05    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    3.453906e+00    7.518890e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    4.910648e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    6.875296e-06    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    3.172434e-01    1.069731e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 0.445513
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    4.408993e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    2.559849e-06    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    1.711410e+00    2.091448e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    2.603527e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    1.686477e-06    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    1.495888e+00    3.353375e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    2.698735e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    6.731345e-07    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    5.497176e-01    4.263159e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    4.023860e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    8.013736e-08    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    2.149335e-01    4.887747e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    1.145857e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    2.149180e-09    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    1.171212e-02    5.039609e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 14
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    1.039849e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    1.126475e-12    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    1.119754e-04    5.054589e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.719893
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 15
	stiffness matrix reformations = 11
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.419802e-04    7.828728e-25    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.008100e-03    2.964987e-19    1.008100e-05 
	   displacement        2.423146e+01    3.081052e-09    5.054667e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 11
    number of reformations : 11

------- converged at time : 0.719893

Data Record #1
Step = 38
Time = 0.719892724
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 38
Time = 0.719892724
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 38
Time = 0.719892724
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(72%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199919

===== beginning time step 39 : 0.739885 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    2.204219e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    1.246250e-04    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    2.553936e+00    2.553936e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.534526
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    4.274092e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    1.520494e-05    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    1.402204e+00    3.990733e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    9.416430e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    1.337064e-05    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    7.511729e-01    6.280537e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    1.892121e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    1.927433e-07    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    4.270160e+00    2.075233e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    8.282696e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    3.534352e-06    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    8.538361e-01    2.993861e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    3.846333e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    8.331630e-07    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    2.112110e+00    4.788189e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    9.794172e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    1.955515e-07    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    1.049040e-01    5.243109e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    6.893565e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    3.718703e-09    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    9.070153e-02    5.686606e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    3.134360e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    1.531755e-11    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    1.931809e-04    5.707418e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.739885
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.680884e-04    8.590369e-21    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.273893e-03    5.379814e-17    1.273893e-05 
	   displacement        2.553936e+00    3.213474e-07    5.708272e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.739885

Data Record #1
Step = 39
Time = 0.739884664
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 39
Time = 0.739884664
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 39
Time = 0.739884664
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(74%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199936

===== beginning time step 40 : 0.759878 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    1.537650e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    1.042715e-04    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    1.539731e+00    1.539731e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.367668
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    2.790525e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    1.688217e-05    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    1.957652e+00    3.654586e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    2.369536e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    7.689563e-06    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    2.024548e+00    9.125805e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    5.069394e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    7.741304e-06    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    2.370176e+00    2.065208e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    7.683372e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    1.169034e-06    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    2.851705e+00    3.872652e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    3.656350e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    1.502605e-06    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    6.573488e-01    4.939996e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    4.370158e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    1.130748e-07    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    7.154659e-01    6.194522e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    1.083175e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    2.209166e-08    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    3.578388e-02    6.493783e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    1.114036e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    1.073628e-10    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    3.632896e-03    6.590819e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.759878
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.038743e-03    7.382179e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.615083e-03    3.011501e-15    1.615083e-05 
	   displacement        1.539731e+00    9.344219e-07    6.592378e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.759878

Data Record #1
Step = 40
Time = 0.759878216
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 40
Time = 0.759878216
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 40
Time = 0.759878216
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(76%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199948

===== beginning time step 41 : 0.779873 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    2.648139e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    1.670213e-04    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    1.986324e+00    1.986324e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.419889
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    4.178452e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    2.110808e-05    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    2.619177e+00    4.121251e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    1.641128e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    1.368868e-05    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    2.020318e+00    9.535465e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    1.289768e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    5.929297e-06    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    3.892571e+00    2.538491e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    3.066014e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    4.512195e-06    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    1.923148e+00    4.113973e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    2.472240e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    1.172237e-06    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    1.716433e+00    5.954629e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    1.361920e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    5.187531e-07    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    4.017889e-01    6.965907e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    2.460556e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    4.389600e-08    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    1.698009e-01    7.666632e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    1.941044e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    7.180850e-10    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    4.757079e-03    7.787043e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.779873
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.270434e-03    6.681564e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.092355e-03    1.200280e-13    2.092355e-05 
	   displacement        1.986324e+00    2.791296e-05    7.796315e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.779873

Data Record #1
Step = 41
Time = 0.779873058
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 41
Time = 0.779873058
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 41
Time = 0.779873058
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(78%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199959

===== beginning time step 42 : 0.799869 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    2.018022e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    7.332939e-04    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    6.267512e+00    6.267512e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    1.117334e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    3.573847e-05    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    4.072301e+00    2.760237e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    8.424964e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    2.030195e-05    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    1.928927e+00    7.723088e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    5.425105e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    1.682348e-05    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    9.429993e+00    3.376295e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    4.625104e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    4.997108e-06    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    7.169745e-01    4.410832e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 0.558941
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    3.357979e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    1.330740e-06    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    1.727406e+00    6.317168e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    6.564124e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    1.123784e-06    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    9.052691e-01    7.908296e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    1.120338e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    2.105870e-07    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    3.610982e-01    9.005296e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    1.511949e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    1.285396e-08    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    4.179724e-02    9.394557e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    1.009040e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    4.107433e-11    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    1.073306e-03    9.457712e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.799869
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 11
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.587662e-03    1.317968e-20    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.791461e-03    3.900995e-16    2.791461e-05 
	   displacement        6.267512e+00    3.874342e-07    9.458913e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 11
    number of reformations : 11

------- converged at time : 0.799869

Data Record #1
Step = 42
Time = 0.799868932
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 42
Time = 0.799868932
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 42
Time = 0.799868932
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(80%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199967

MUST POINT CONTROLLER: adjusting time step. dt = 0.000131068

===== beginning time step 43 : 0.8 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.8
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.631747e-08    4.509156e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.435626e-07    2.095845e-09    1.435626e-09 
	   displacement        6.392818e-03    6.392818e-03    6.392818e-09 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.8
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.631747e-08    1.892667e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.435626e-07    9.464380e-13    1.435626e-09 
	   displacement        6.392818e-03    1.607751e-04    4.527995e-09 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.8
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.631747e-08    1.970288e-25    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.435626e-07    2.065066e-19    1.435626e-09 
	   displacement        6.392818e-03    1.491314e-09    4.522803e-09 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 3
    number of reformations : 3

------- converged at time : 0.8

Data Record #1
Step = 43
Time = 0.8
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 43
Time = 0.8
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 43
Time = 0.8
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(80%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199974

===== beginning time step 44 : 0.819997 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    7.442734e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    2.337292e-05    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    2.884036e-01    2.884036e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.193898
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    1.187176e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    1.417514e-05    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    2.326150e+00    3.240148e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.550778
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    2.494740e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    7.722664e-06    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    3.660593e+00    1.356191e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    1.010260e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    9.134976e-06    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    3.122422e+00    2.963592e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    7.413785e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    3.844266e-06    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    2.827205e+00    5.073072e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    1.409812e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    2.420820e-06    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    1.239809e+00    6.781507e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    7.055424e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    5.554185e-07    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    8.992266e-01    8.431775e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    2.007617e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    1.117772e-07    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    1.524278e-01    9.163184e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    4.371462e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    2.824888e-09    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    2.257686e-02    9.452817e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    9.649784e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    2.167325e-12    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    1.063509e-04    9.472855e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #11

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.819997
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 14
	stiffness matrix reformations = 11
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.564999e-03    1.056002e-23    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.723517e-03    1.068029e-18    2.723517e-05 
	   displacement        2.884036e-01    1.111432e-08    9.473060e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 11
    number of reformations : 11

------- converged at time : 0.819997

Data Record #1
Step = 44
Time = 0.819997359
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 44
Time = 0.819997359
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 44
Time = 0.819997359
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(82%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199979

===== beginning time step 45 : 0.839995 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    5.326053e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    2.036291e-05    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    2.519937e-01    2.519937e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.223754
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    1.023788e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    1.146013e-05    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    2.342622e+00    3.430424e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.629481
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    2.170652e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    5.323485e-06    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    3.697718e+00    1.409876e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    5.631903e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    7.424102e-06    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    2.410144e+00    2.813226e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    6.412381e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    1.774772e-06    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    2.677269e+00    4.813876e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    4.496550e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    1.465971e-06    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    7.136257e-01    6.056357e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    3.391230e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    1.716114e-07    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    6.305529e-01    7.354410e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    1.426730e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    2.209794e-08    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    4.113279e-02    7.705960e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    8.743768e-13    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    1.110135e-10    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    3.221991e-03    7.805859e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.839995
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.248684e-03    1.007755e-19    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.064488e-03    3.116843e-15    2.064488e-05 
	   displacement        2.519937e-01    1.097971e-06    7.807708e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.839995

Data Record #1
Step = 45
Time = 0.839995246
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 45
Time = 0.839995246
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 45
Time = 0.839995246
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(84%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199983

===== beginning time step 46 : 0.859994 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    4.158739e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    1.791442e-05    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    2.451443e-01    2.451443e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.255813
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    9.387313e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    9.394481e-06    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    2.368248e+00    3.668279e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    4.862648e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    1.444042e-05    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    7.336419e+00    2.123795e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    3.579617e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    4.080672e-06    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    6.215678e-01    2.911347e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 0.583161
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    2.762536e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    9.951844e-07    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    1.525003e+00    4.394895e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    3.962103e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    8.147578e-07    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    6.774536e-01    5.553117e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    5.893376e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    1.182820e-07    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    2.652811e-01    6.346725e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    3.370000e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    4.416628e-09    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    2.011723e-02    6.574535e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 12
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    6.478061e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    4.830668e-12    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    2.794599e-04    6.601652e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #10

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.859994
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 13
	stiffness matrix reformations = 10
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.019987e-03    4.213548e-23    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.604094e-03    5.453817e-18    1.604094e-05 
	   displacement        2.451443e-01    2.256479e-08    6.601896e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 10
    number of reformations : 10

------- converged at time : 0.859994

Data Record #1
Step = 46
Time = 0.859993556
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 46
Time = 0.859993556
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 46
Time = 0.859993556
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(86%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199986

===== beginning time step 47 : 0.879992 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    3.598984e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    1.598950e-05    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    2.690608e-01    2.690608e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.292488
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    9.068693e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    7.764722e-06    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    2.414739e+00    3.992280e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    2.896333e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    4.933542e-06    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    5.795971e+00    1.932683e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    5.007670e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    3.593051e-06    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    7.437779e-01    2.764388e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    7.284805e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    3.082056e-06    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    2.937212e+00    4.858692e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    3.435097e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    1.617999e-07    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    6.496305e-02    5.219048e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    9.497415e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    7.655396e-10    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    1.072220e-01    5.702625e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    4.855529e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    7.043828e-12    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    7.855596e-05    5.715955e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.879992
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            8.528061e-04    2.560921e-21    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.277034e-03    1.132518e-17    1.277034e-05 
	   displacement        2.690608e-01    1.765641e-07    5.716590e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.879992

Data Record #1
Step = 47
Time = 0.879992204
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 47
Time = 0.879992204
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 47
Time = 0.879992204
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(88%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199989

===== beginning time step 48 : 0.899991 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    3.528817e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    1.450550e-05    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    3.338925e-01    3.338925e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.338460
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    9.212513e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    6.410603e-06    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    2.500375e+00    4.470282e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    1.700337e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    1.824421e-07    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    4.531081e+00    1.795643e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    7.074365e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    3.090938e-06    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    8.939557e-01    2.685539e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    2.934193e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    5.428685e-07    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    1.879378e+00    4.293376e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    7.200576e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    1.455446e-07    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    9.363873e-02    4.703044e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    3.043949e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    2.719354e-09    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    6.102340e-02    5.047780e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    7.955348e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    5.091234e-12    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    9.943128e-05    5.061932e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.899991
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            7.300288e-04    4.265781e-22    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              1.042612e-03    6.000741e-18    1.042612e-05 
	   displacement        3.338925e-01    7.238503e-08    5.062314e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.899991

Data Record #1
Step = 48
Time = 0.899991122
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 48
Time = 0.899991122
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 48
Time = 0.899991122
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(90%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199991

===== beginning time step 49 : 0.91999 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    4.041734e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    1.334166e-05    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    4.676654e-01    4.676654e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.404372
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    9.891070e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    5.187321e-06    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    2.664619e+00    5.245239e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    9.362869e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    2.879183e-06    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    3.410892e+00    1.709081e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    1.042801e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    2.500577e-06    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    1.098524e+00    2.684795e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    1.029482e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    3.577474e-07    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    1.120414e+00    3.893095e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    1.266911e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    1.092596e-07    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    1.245013e-01    4.345420e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    6.247150e-11    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    2.472319e-09    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    2.775999e-02    4.567724e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    5.470900e-16    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    1.906773e-12    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    8.235674e-05    4.579986e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #9

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.91999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 11
	stiffness matrix reformations = 9
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            6.402338e-04    1.233374e-23    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              8.748185e-04    8.478446e-19    8.748185e-06 
	   displacement        4.676654e-01    1.235180e-08    4.580136e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 9
    number of reformations : 9

------- converged at time : 0.91999

Data Record #1
Step = 49
Time = 0.919990257
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 49
Time = 0.919990257
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 49
Time = 0.919990257
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(92%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199993

===== beginning time step 50 : 0.93999 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    5.667457e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    1.221288e-05    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    7.456139e-01    7.456139e-07 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 0.520627
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    1.134722e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    3.894679e-06    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    3.028911e+00    6.702169e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    4.357532e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    3.962973e-06    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    2.319919e+00    1.689588e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    1.633939e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    1.619679e-06    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    1.397367e+00    2.800393e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    2.524172e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    4.879069e-07    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    5.563305e-01    3.644865e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    1.603208e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    5.455634e-08    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    1.406445e-01    4.111421e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    4.624135e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    8.562308e-10    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    7.575712e-03    4.223705e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.93999
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 10
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.757271e-04    6.768027e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              7.568559e-04    1.820074e-13    7.568559e-06 
	   displacement        7.456139e-01    2.900281e-05    4.230702e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 8
    number of reformations : 8

------- converged at time : 0.93999

Data Record #1
Step = 50
Time = 0.939989565
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 50
Time = 0.939989565
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 50
Time = 0.939989565
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(94%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199994

===== beginning time step 51 : 0.959989 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    1.062840e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    9.916216e-06    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    1.405106e+00    1.405106e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    2.359602e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    4.664207e-06    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    6.295873e+00    1.357409e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    3.640771e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    2.655499e-06    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    5.253030e-01    1.942560e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    3.873766e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    1.479653e-06    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    2.218742e+00    3.476574e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    1.747560e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    8.335598e-08    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    4.458091e-02    3.728934e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    1.409102e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    6.210845e-10    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    4.180818e-02    3.982676e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.959989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.313485e-04    2.133698e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.781483e-04    5.644346e-13    6.781483e-06 
	   displacement        1.405106e+00    1.640167e-05    3.987767e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 7
    number of reformations : 7

------- converged at time : 0.959989

Data Record #1
Step = 51
Time = 0.959989011
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 51
Time = 0.959989011
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 51
Time = 0.959989011
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(96%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199996

===== beginning time step 52 : 0.979989 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    3.299564e-06    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    2.292274e-06    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    3.491087e+00    3.491087e-06 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    2.183941e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    5.348637e-06    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    2.133635e+00    1.103941e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 4
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    7.040156e-07    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    8.934887e-07    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    2.681653e+00    2.459383e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    6.373591e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    6.398918e-07    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    3.041764e-01    3.035557e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    1.114228e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    9.974188e-09    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    3.690842e-01    3.741416e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    1.402734e-12    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    1.277860e-09    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    4.248235e-03    3.821375e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    1.003835e-15    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    3.780023e-13    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    1.119163e-04    3.834455e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #8

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.979989
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 8
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            5.037342e-04    1.120510e-26    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.332681e-04    3.453655e-20    6.332681e-06 
	   displacement        3.491087e+00    3.761581e-10    3.834479e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 8
    number of reformations : 8

------- converged at time : 0.979989

Data Record #1
Step = 52
Time = 0.979988568
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 52
Time = 0.979988568
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 52
Time = 0.979988568
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(98%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199996

===== beginning time step 53 : 0.999988 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    3.565732e-05    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    2.173493e-04    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    1.667646e+01    1.667646e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    1.020934e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    1.716135e-07    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    9.662106e-02    1.907700e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #3

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 5
	stiffness matrix reformations = 3
	step from line search         = 0.553155
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    7.446432e-08    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    4.277509e-07    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    9.842978e-01    2.872109e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #4

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 6
	stiffness matrix reformations = 4
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    6.800839e-09    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    1.849443e-07    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    2.965292e-01    3.484663e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #5

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 7
	stiffness matrix reformations = 5
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    1.344665e-10    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    8.925152e-09    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    4.128663e-02    3.728382e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #6

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 8
	stiffness matrix reformations = 6
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    3.351495e-14    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    2.163343e-11    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    6.488682e-04    3.759513e-05 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #7

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 0.999988
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 9
	stiffness matrix reformations = 7
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            4.908683e-04    3.505692e-21    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              6.268192e-04    1.115818e-16    6.268192e-06 
	   displacement        1.667646e+01    2.096176e-07    3.760074e-05 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 7
    number of reformations : 7

------- converged at time : 0.999988

Data Record #1
Step = 53
Time = 0.999988213
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 53
Time = 0.999988213
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 53
Time = 0.999988213
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(100%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  
AUTO STEPPER: increasing time step, dt = 0.0199997

MUST POINT CONTROLLER: adjusting time step. dt = 1.17869e-05

===== beginning time step 54 : 1 =====

Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #1

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 2
	stiffness matrix reformations = 1
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.699225e-10    1.733217e-17    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.218588e-10    1.087996e-16    2.218588e-12 
	   displacement        1.302422e-05    1.302422e-05    1.302422e-11 
Reforming stiffness matrix: reformation #2

 Nonlinear solution status: time= 1
	stiffness updates             = 0
	right hand side evaluations   = 3
	stiffness matrix reformations = 2
	step from line search         = 1.000000
	convergence norms :     INITIAL         CURRENT         REQUIRED
	   residual            1.699225e-10    2.551893e-30    0.000000e+00 
	   energy              2.218588e-10    2.375516e-25    2.218588e-12 
	   displacement        1.302422e-05    6.889690e-15    1.302423e-11 

convergence summary
    number of iterations   : 2
    number of reformations : 2

------- converged at time : 1

Data Record #1
Step = 54
Time = 1
Data = ux;uy;uz
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_disp_out.txt

Data Record #2
Step = 54
Time = 1
Data = J
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_vol_out.txt

Data Record #3
Step = 54
Time = 1
Data = s1;s2;s3
File = /home/kevin/GIBBON/data/temp/tempModel_stress_prin_out.txt
 ]0;(100%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0  

 N O N L I N E A R   I T E R A T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

	Number of time steps completed .................... : 54

	Total number of equilibrium iterations ............ : 433

	Average number of equilibrium iterations .......... : 8.01852

	Total number of right hand evaluations ............ : 542

	Total number of stiffness reformations ............ : 433

 L I N E A R   S O L V E R   S T A T S

	Total calls to linear solver ........ : 438

	Avg iterations per solve ............ : 1

	Time in linear solver: 0:00:02

 Elapsed time : 0:00:03

 N O R M A L   T E R M I N A T I O N

 ]0;(100%) tempModel.feb - FEBio 4.1.0   * Log file found.                                     01-May-2023 10:57:55
# Parsing log file...                                  01-May-2023 10:57:55
    number of iterations   : 2                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 2                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.02                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.04                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.06                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.08                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.1                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.12                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.14                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.16                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.18                       01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.2                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.216667                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.234                      01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.251867                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.27016                    01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.288795                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.307702                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.326829                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.34613                    01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.36557                    01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.385123                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.4                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.419714                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.439485                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.459301                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.479155                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.499037                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.518944                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.538869                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.558809                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.57876                    01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.598722                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.6                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 25                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 25                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.619975                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.639951                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.659931                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.679915                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.699903                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.719893                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.739885                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.759878                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.779873                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.799869                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 3                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.8                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 11                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.819997                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.839995                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 10                        01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.859994                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.879992                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.899991                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 9                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.91999                    01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.93999                    01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.959989                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 8                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.979989                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 7                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 0.999988                   01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of iterations   : 2                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
    number of reformations : 2                         01-May-2023 10:57:56
------- converged at time : 1                          01-May-2023 10:57:56
 Elapsed time : 0:00:03                                01-May-2023 10:57:56
 N O R M A L   T E R M I N A T I O N
# Done                                                 01-May-2023 10:57:56

Import FEBio results

if runFlag==1 %i.e. a succesful run
    % Importing nodal displacements from a log file

    %Access data; %Displacement
    timeVec=dataStruct.time; %Time

    %Create deformed coordinate set
    V_DEF=N_disp_mat+repmat(V,[1 1 size(N_disp_mat,3)]);

Plotting the simulated results using anim8 to visualize and animate deformations

    DN_magnitude=sqrt(sum(N_disp_mat(:,:,end).^2,2)); %Current displacement magnitude

    % Create basic view and store graphics handle to initiate animation
    hf=cFigure; %Open figure
    gtitle([febioFebFileNamePart,': Press play to animate']);
    title('Displacement magnitude [mm]','Interpreter','Latex')
    hp=gpatch(Fb,V_DEF(:,:,end),DN_magnitude,'k',1,2); %Add graphics object to animate
    gpatch(Fb,V,0.5*ones(1,3),'none',0.25); %A static graphics object

    colormap(cMap); colorbar;
    caxis([0 max(max(sqrt(sum(N_disp_mat(:,:,:).^2,2))))]); caxis manual;
    axis(axisLim(V_DEF)); %Set axis limits statically
    camlight headlight;

    % Set up animation features
    animStruct.Time=timeVec; %The time vector
    for qt=1:1:size(N_disp_mat,3) %Loop over time increments
        DN_magnitude=sqrt(sum(N_disp_mat(:,:,qt).^2,2)); %Current displacement magnitude

        %Set entries in animation structure
        animStruct.Handles{qt}=[hp hp]; %Handles of objects to animate
        animStruct.Props{qt}={'Vertices','CData'}; %Properties of objects to animate
        animStruct.Set{qt}={V_DEF(:,:,qt),DN_magnitude}; %Property values for to set in order to animate
    anim8(hf,animStruct); %Initiate animation feature

Importing element stress from a log file


    %Access data;

Plotting the simulated results using anim8 to visualize and animate deformations


    % Create basic view and store graphics handle to initiate animation
    hf=cFigure; %Open figure  /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020a/bin/glnxa64/jcef_helper: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: g_ptr_array_copy

    gtitle([febioFebFileNamePart,': Press play to animate']);
    title('$J$ [.]','Interpreter','Latex')
    hp=gpatch(Fb,V_DEF(:,:,end),CV,'k',1,2); %Add graphics object to animate
    gpatch(Fb,V,0.5*ones(1,3),'none',0.25); %A static graphics object

    colormap(cMap); colorbar;
    caxis([min(E_J_mat(:)) max(E_J_mat(:))]);
    axis(axisLim(V_DEF)); %Set axis limits statically
    camlight headlight;

    % Set up animation features
    animStruct.Time=timeVec; %The time vector
    for qt=1:1:size(N_disp_mat,3) %Loop over time increments


        %Set entries in animation structure
        animStruct.Handles{qt}=[hp hp]; %Handles of objects to animate
        animStruct.Props{qt}={'Vertices','CData'}; %Properties of objects to animate
        animStruct.Set{qt}={V_DEF(:,:,qt),CV}; %Property values for to set in order to animate
    anim8(hf,animStruct); %Initiate animation feature


Kevin Mattheus Moerman, [email protected]

GIBBON footer text


GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-based Bioengineering add-On. A toolbox for image segmentation, image-based modeling, meshing, and finite element analysis.

Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Kevin Mattheus Moerman and the GIBBON contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see